Sell ??Affordable Replica Fendi Handbags, Gucci Replica Handbags Online
This year FENDI not only released the new Mini Replica Fendi Handbags, but they also made one with Swarovski Crocodile Tale. It’s truly a ‘WOW’ handbag – beautiful and chic.
We though the crocodile tale was just a one-time thing, until we spotted the Fendi Mini 3jours Tote with Crocodile Tale. And again, we went: ‘Wow’.
The Replica Handbags ?Collection is the upgrade of the iconic Fendi Handbags. Unlike the 2jours tote, the 2jours Bag is crafted with expandable wings, so you can store more personal essentials. The bag looks easy on the outside, but the interior is sophisticated and lovely.
The crocodile tale is actually the extension of the top zip closure, the size is ideal to use as a working bag or for the casual use. It features a leather tag and comes with a detachable leather shoulder strap. It’s made from calfskin leather – strong and durable. Measuring 24 x 30 x 10 cm (H x W x D), priced at $3650 USD and €2370 euro’s at Luisa Via Roma.